About Our Store!
ButtarStore - is a global mega online retailer Store offering a wide range of extraordinary accessories all around the world, Our main focus is on our customers. We want you to be the happiest customer receiving high quality products at very low prices & we want to make sure that you do not miss out on hot & trending accessories available in marketplace.
At ButtarStore, we take the sourcing of our Jewlery and gemstones very seriously. We perform our due diligence prior to purchasing, to ensure the gemstones used in the manufacturing of our jewelry collections are according to our quality & standard requirements.
ButtarStore LLC is based in Elk Grove, California. Please feel free to reach out to us via contact form or email us at sales@buttarstore.com
Our Mission,
- A One-Stop Shop.
- Customer Satisfaction.
- Enhance Online Shopping Experience.
- We will maintain Quality Because It Matters To You.